where the lost things go–poems by Anne Casey
where the lost things go
Anne Casey
Published 2017 by Salmon Poetry
available on Amazon
where the lost things go, poems about the ever-unsettled feeling of the immigrant, in this case, the poet’s move from Ireland to Australia, brings us back to the music and rhyme we loved as children, what brought us to poetry in the first place. Hear it in her poem, In memoriam l: Made in Miltown Mallbay: The air ajangle
With the clang
And clink and rasp
I am agasp
Her poems bring us back to the elemental, a time when our senses were “searing,” our hearts “ablaze.”
Casey can bring tears to your eyes. In memoriam ll: The draper, she writes:
In every emigrant’s case
Their mother’s broken heart
Sorrow is dealt with quietly, in the ordinariness of everyday life. In memoriam XIV: Plus ça change, she writes:
In Belfast on the 6 o’clock news
A nine-year-old boy hit in the head
With a stray bullet
And you’re scraping the last of the
Dripping beans onto your soggy crust
Trying not to think of brains
She has the gift of being able to choose the perfect details to characterize the people in her world and their relationships as she does in Memoriam V: Lawful Wedded
For fifty-three years
He held her coat
Brought around the car
And opened her door.
Whether Casey is writing about her childhood or the fears and delights of raising children, you find yourself smiling and nodding and saying, “Yes, oh, yes. That’s just the way it is.”
cara mayrick
December 18, 2018 @ 9:24 am
I love the title!