WHAT I WISH YOU’D TOLD ME, my ebook short story collection is available now!
You can buy it for your KINDLE or for Nook, or or for your apps or Google or your apps at the publisher Shebooks.net
What I Wish You’d Told Me is a collection of three stories of women of various ages grappling with the wacky and the tragic in their lives. “Secrets,” set in the ’60s, is the gripping story of a teenage girl whose illusions about her best friend’s family are blasted along with her faith in Kennedy’s Camelot. “A Sympathetic Listener” is the hilarious and heartbreaking story of a 24-year-old woman with cancer who, on her healing odyssey, finds connection and support from a most surprising source. In “Great-aunt Mariah and the Gigolo,” a 70-something widow rocks the family when she brings home her young beau.
“Rochelle Jewel Shapiro writes about familiar situations and feelings—guilt, sibling rivalry, keeping secrets—with uncommon insight and humor. A wonderful collection” —Laura Fraser, Shebooks editorial director
About the author: Rochelle Jewel Shapiro’s first novel, Miriam the Medium, was nominated for the Harold U. Ribelow Award. Her novel Kaylee’s Ghost is an Indie Finalist. She’s published essays in the New York Times and Newsweek and in many anthologies. Her poetry, short stories, and essays have appeared in the Coe Review, Compass Rose, the Griffin, Inkwell Magazine, the Iowa Review, the Los Angeles Review, the MacGuffin, Moment, Negative Capability, Pennsylvania English, the Carolina Review, and more. She won the Brandon Memorial Literary Award from Negative Capability. Shapiro is a professional psychic who currently teaches writing at UCLA Extension.READ IT NOW: ONLY ON SHEBOOKS. Available singly or by subscription.