Spielberg’s LINCOLN
We all expect great acting from Daniel Lewis Day. He’s the kind of actor who took off a year to study cobbling and came back a stronger actor than ever. To the chagrin of Spielberg, Daniel Day Lewis took off a year to study everything he could get on Lincoln. And everything we’ve ever read or heard about Lincoln is in Daniel Day Lewis: his posture, his hands, his size, his humor.
But who knew that Sally Fields, The Flying Nun, could play such a majestic Mary Todd? She gained 25 pounds to play this role in order to be true to Mary Todd’s dress size. What a tragedian and a wit she showed herself to be!
This film is a classic!
November 19, 2012 @ 12:43 pm
Can’t wait to see it!
nannette lieblein
November 19, 2012 @ 2:53 pm
Will see it. On my list of movies
November 21, 2012 @ 2:12 am
Day-lewis’ Mr. President is exactly how I would picture Lincoln in my mind. Tommy Lee Jones as Stevens also did a good job in presenting a passionate radical Republican leader.
November 21, 2012 @ 2:15 am
Yes, it stunned me to see Lincoln become flesh again. And the congress was so rancorous and criminal and current!