Special 26 is based on a 1987 jewelry heist where twenty-six people posed as income tax officials raided a famous jewelry store in Mumbai and made off with jewelry worth millions. The mastermind played by the dashing Akshay Kamar, is called “Ajay Singh,” which means ‘unconquered lion’ in English.
This film not only satisfies our romance with slick thieves who get away with a bundle from Robin Hood to Ocean Eleven, but our romance with romance, too. From the moment Singh locks googoo eyes with Kahal Aggarwal (Priya Chavan), your heart kaboom, kabooms along with the background music. Since Kahal is betrothed to someone else, a ticking clock is going. Singh can make out with her in stolen moments, but will he be able to make off with her before her arranged marriage?
Imaginatively filmed, fast-paced, and funny!