Raccoon in Daylight
At the Huntington Arts Cinema, I thought I was hallucinating. http://www.cinemaartscentre.org/ A raccoon was wandering in the side yard. What was it doing out in daylight? The guy who sells refreshments told me that its mother was killed by a car and because the mother wasn’t there to nurse it during the day, the raccoon didn’t know it was supposed to be a nocturnal animal. The terrific young people at the Arts cinema are activists. Instead of calling Animal Control, they got a cage from a wildlife refuge. They were trying to lure the raccoon into the cage to bring it to the sanctuary.
“What food are you putting in the cage to lure it?” I asked.
“Tofu,” the guy told me.
Ech, they will never get the raccoon with tofu. How about Reese’s Pieces or a Mars Bar?
cara mayrick
August 22, 2011 @ 12:22 pm
I’m with you, Mars bar or Reese’s pieces would get the job done. I think most people would be lured by that choice as well.
August 22, 2011 @ 1:32 pm
Thank you my loyal follower.