NOCTURNAL ANIMALS starring Amy Adams and Jake Gyllenhaal
If you’re a writer, see it. Perfect example of how to write a story within a story. And a writer always wants to go into his / her darkest place, his greatest fear for the most drama. But do you? Nightmare on Elm is a joke in comparison to how terrified you can get from something that could actually happen. I was screaming during the film. My husband kept saying to me, “It’s only a film.” But it was so intimate, so close to your fastest heartbeat, that it feels as if you’re living it.
nannette lieblein
December 10, 2016 @ 9:03 am
There is another movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat –Elle.
January 6, 2017 @ 9:39 pm
Saw it. TERRIFYING! Why would I want to be so upset when life is already so terrifying I ask myself each time I see a movie like that. Love, Rochelle
December 12, 2016 @ 10:26 pm
Your synopsis is far more tempting then the coming attractions I saw at the movie theatre!