Wait until you see this. Moore’s best, I think. One of the many things that got me razzed up was that in Norway, kids go to school less hours than hours, NEVER have homework, and have the most successful and happy students in the world with the highest academic standing. If anyone is sick of seeing their child oppressed by homework, storm the Bastille! Sign petitions! Freak out! Take action!
There’s so much that I’ve  already forgotten For example, what did Moore say that Victoria’s Secret’s secret actually is.
And where was the prison where each prisoner had a key and his own shower and the focus was on rehabilitation, helping the prisoners become good neighbors in society instead of punishment? And where was it that the police are taught to respect each citizen?
Did I forget or am I cheating to motivate you to see it? A bit of both. 🙂
Stan Lieblein
February 13, 2016 @ 8:49 am
Vote for Sanders and we will achieve it.
March 6, 2016 @ 8:13 pm
Aren’t you in love with Sanders? Gray pride!
February 13, 2016 @ 4:25 pm
Doug and I also were so amazed by the school in Norway and the prisons.
March 6, 2016 @ 8:12 pm
Yes, both! And it probably cost us more here.